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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Australian Media and its racist push
"And Muslims are staying on the front page if The Australian has anything to do with it."

Research into the mainstream Australian Media and its incessant fuel to racial wars and biggotry through its continuation or in some cases introduction of racial stereotypes, racial labelling in crimes and creation of international angst at crimes labelled as racist before any evidence or prosecution of racial attacks, i.e. with the "attacks on Indians" late last year. And look I'm all for headlining anything remotely racist, but I wonder what comes first, the racist act or the media labelling it as such which provokes racist stereotypes, anger and angst here and overseas. What statistics of Non-Indian Australians were attacked in the same period? A blatant and fearful campaign was set up by the Media and it had far-reaching consequences. ? Were these attacks racial or was the Media's incessant mentioning of "Indian person attacked" rather than "Australian attacked" the only racial connection. Furthermore, why several months later was the next headline, "Indian child found dead in grassland"? Why is the Australian Media in 2010 still describing victims and criminals through racial origin or color if it is not deliberately attempting to fire up racism in society, if there is another reason for this, please let me know, however, statistics on how many papers were sold and how many news websites had 'hits' when the racist headlines create a 'story' of interest or concern to people in society here and internationally says it all, does it not?

Editorial Independance in Australian Media?
"Beecher: ABC chairman gives editorial independence a kick in the groin"

Crikey publisher Eric Beecher writes:

Editorial independence is little more than a noble concept sitting on a shelf until it is put to the test.

Good piece to look at regarding Media control and editorial 'independance' being mandated by Media bosses or other controlling bodies.